What We Do

ICHG is a special interest group of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. It is a group for paediatricians and health professionals with an interest in improving global child health.

It was formed in the 1970s as the Tropical Paediatric Group, with paediatricians who had worked in the developing world forming the nucleus of its membership. In 1986, the Tropical Paediatric Group became the International Child Health Group. Today it boasts an international membership and continues to work in promoting all aspects of international child health, from research to advocacy.

ICHG meets twice a year (normally in November and April) for academic meetings to present research and evidence in global health.

Its main areas of focus are on:

  1. Education & Training

  2. Advocacy

  3. Research

  4. Winter Meetings

  5. Special Interest Group Session at RCPCH Conference

  6. Awards

ICHG disseminates information on global health and group updates through an electronic newsletter to its members

To see the ICHG constitution with information about the aims and objectives of the group as well as governance around membership and the committee click here.


Our Values

The International Child Health Group (ICHG) is a network of individuals who seek to improve the health and wellbeing of children worldwide through advocacy, education and research.

At ICHG we value justice, equity and diversity as we partner with a global network of professionals to promote a child-focussed approach to global health issues. Recognising we can learn much from each other, we are inclusive and respectful whilst encouraging good practice and research. The group strives to inspire and equip students and health professionals to engage with current issues in global child health.


Our Members

Our members come from all over the globe!


As well as our members, the ICHG is run by a committee of dedicated healthcare professionals, trainees and students.


Our Committee



ICHG has administered the global child health discussion forum CHIFA since 2006 in collaboration with ISSOP (International Society for Social Paediatrics and Child Health) and HIFA (Healthcare Information For All).

CHIFA supports global child health communication among more than 3800 professionals in 140 countries and continues to grow.

Find out more, see the latest discussions, and join here.